I know that spring is here....... those hateful beetles that have given ladybugs a bad name are back! They come back to life after winter's freeze. They bite and annoy and if you squish them they smell bad.So with this sure sign of the season the blackboard has changed appropriately to welcome visitors as they arrive to check in.
The pastry this weekend was cinnamon buns. Folks were more interested in the hot coffee, though.
Tulips and daffodils are trying to come to life, even in the shady areas of the park.
This garden above is Gavin's Garden. I planted bulbs last fall and I wish he was here to see them.
They are coming along nicely in this bed, too. Not many daffodils , mostly tulips.
It has been a wonderful weekend. Perfect weather. Sunny and warm with a gentle breeze. Crisp cool mornings and evenings just right for a campfire. All my campers seemed to have a good weekend.
Oh, and he who mows bought a hog. "Oh, before I forget, I bought a hog." he says to me casually. I pictured an animal upright and walking. Did he buy him to eat grass? I was afraid that was the case. He who mows is a real deep thinker. I have been asking for a mower with no power to use in the parts I mow and I am afraid that he may think an animal is a better solution......... I could just see a hog rooting in my flower beds eating my bulbs.
The hog was to butcher and fill the freezer with meat. As happy as I am to hear the news that I won't have a hog wondering around my yard; I am faced with a new dilemma. Freezer space. On a weekend, while I am busy in the store. I run back and forth as I empty the big chest freezer and realize that it needs to be defrosted. No time to do that, so I grab the tool used to tape drywall and scrape as much of the ice that I can and then scoop it out into a bucket. Sounds simple enough. But in order to reach the bottom of the freezer to get the ice out I have to lean as far in as I can standing on my tip toes. Almost fell in. Now that would have been funny ........... a long time afterwards.
When I replaced all the food that we had (and finding stuff I had forgotten I had) I saw that I had plenty of room for 200 lbs of hog. There was enough room for me, so I knew it would fit! I loaded it all myself, having a need to organize it just right. I am now paying the price with aching muscles. Just so you know, if I invite you for a meal.........expect to eat pork.